Sunday 19 December 2010

10 Reasons Why Your Company Should Own a Business Credit Card (Part 2)

6. Higher spending limits
Business cards offer a higher spending limit than a standard credit card. This allows companies to make larger purchases and gives business owners more room to carry a balance on the card.

7. Employee and company spending limits
Business cardholders are able to set spending limits for the entire company, as well as for each individual employee. This is a great way to help you and your employees stay within a set budget. This allows business cardholders to control the companies spending habits.

8. Additional cards for free
Business cardholders will find it easy to receive additional cards for their employees and other potential cardholders within the business, all of which will display the names of each additional cardholder. Most card issuers will charge cardholders a fee for additional cards, but with a business credit card account you will receive additional cards at no extra charge.

9. Eliminate need for cash and checks
A major advantage of owning a business credit card is that it eliminates the need for cash and checks. Consider the advantages of this in situations such as business related travel. Business cardholders no longer have to give their employees cash advances, or take the time to add up receipts when they return from business travel to reimburse them for expenses. Instead, business cardholders can use a company card for their expenses, and all of their spending becomes far easier to track.

10. Expense reporting
Another fantastic reason for owning a company card is the advanced expense reporting that is offered by the issuers. The credit card companies now offer expense reporting that is compatible with Quicken and Microsoft Money, which allows cardholders the ability to directly tie these reports in with their accounting data. This feature may be especially useful to cardholders during tax season, as it will give those that take advantage of the service exact amounts of their spending and provide useful backups for any receipts that may have been lost or misplaced.

Now that you see all of the advantages of owning a business credit card, don’t you think it is time for you to go out and apply or one today?

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