Saturday 18 December 2010

The Princess and the Penny

Do you remember the story of the Princess and the Pea where a pea is placed below a ridiculous stack of mattresses to help a desperate prince determine if a traveler claiming to be a princess really is a princess? The prince thought if the woman could feel a pea through all those mattresses that she had to be a princess, because “only a princess could have skin so delicate” as to feel that small irritating pea under all of those mattresses. Sure enough, the woman proved to be a princess. She did not sleep all night because she could feel the tiny irritant under all the mattresses. Imagine what she would think today sleeping on one mattress with a penny-or a stash of money-stuffed under it.

Admittedly, this story is recalled in order to make a point: As bad as the economy is, or may get, the mattress is not the smartest way to save. If you don’t want to loose sleep over the safety of your money, or sleep with an annoying lump in your bed, do some homework and find a safe and secure bank where you can open a simple savings account. You will have greater peace of mind knowing your money is FDIC insured and that your bank is working hard to deserve your trust.

Remember that the bank failures you’re hearing about in the news are typically large banks, and that there are thousands of smaller institutions, like community banks, that continue to operate in safe and sound ways. What’s more, your local community bank is most likely owned, managed, and operated by people in your community who understand your needs, the local economy, and the issues that affect your neighborhood.

Resist the temptation to open a “restless-nights-sleep account” and open a simple savings account at a trusted local community bank instead. You’ll sleep better.

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