Sunday 19 December 2010

reasons to bank online

almost everybody is banking online nowadays. but there are those who still doubt the whole system. here are a few reasons why you should get over your doubts and try banking online:

Avoid bounced check fees. Average overdraft fees run about $28 ( and can be as high as $35 from your bank alone. Not to mention fees from the party to whom you wrote the check. Banking online allows you to move funds quickly, easily and from anywhere to cover a written check. Overdraft protection is still a good idea, for it lowers the cost and eliminates the third-party fee. But it may not work for very large checks and even a series of $10 fees for protected accounts can get expensive.

Earn more interest. With online banking, you can "stash your cash" in a higher yielding savings or money market account and transfer it as needed to cover a series of bill payments or ATM debits. You can usually transfer across institutions, such as your brokerage account. Also, keeping less in your checking account may help you or family members control spending.

Easier to catch errors. It happens. I once learned of a woman who thanks to online banking found out that her lender was still billing her when in fact she had paid off the loan. And don't forget about convenience. I make fewer trips to my bank or ATM, and can manage my checking balance and transfer funds from anywhere. Since most of us are making greater use of ATM cards, the online "view" is more current and relevant. It takes far less time for me to review my account activity.

Online checking paves the way to online bill payment. The savings in time and money begin to compound. Now you save postage, avoid merchant and credit-card late fees and at the same time improve your expense tracking.
Bottom line: if you're still in manual mode, you may be spending more than you need to. More importantly, you're falling farther behind the larger "bank from anytime, anywhere" curve.

source: by: Jennifer Openshaw

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