Wednesday 22 December 2010

Why Do You Need a Plan for Your Business?

The question is simple and so is the answer. You need a business plan so your business succeeds. Do not fall in with the crowd of businesses that fail within the first five years by not creating a plan with realistic
and achievable goals and objectives. If you make a business plan, nine times out of ten, your business will be successful. This is true whether your business is a major corporation or a "mom and Pop" establishment.

A business allows you to plan for success. By having the numbers in front of you, you will know how much you have to invest each month. Once you know the expenditures, you can determine how much to charge for your product and service and how many sales you must complete each month to make a profit. Once you start your business, you can check your sales to see if you are staying on track. If you are not making enough sales, you will know. Then you can use different strategies to meet your monthly goals.

Think of the business plan as a daily planner that you can buy any store. By being organized, you can set goals and specify which dates to meet them. By reviewing your business plan, you will know when you meet the milestones and what to do if you fail to achieve an objective.

A business plan allows you to know and understand the internal strengths and weaknesses. You will be able to find ways to capitalizes on your business strengths and to improve on the weaknesses. For example, your business may involve manufacturing of a product. When you start out, the weakness may be the capability of the employees. You can plan to incorporate training so they can improve their performance.

The business plan also allows you to evaluate the external opportunities and threats. You will be able to find ways to turn the threats into opportunities. The biggest external threats are the economy and competition. You need to find ways to provide the market with a high quality product at the lowest cost possible, while still making a profit. By investing money in the latest technology, you may be a step ahead of the competition.
Finally, it takes money to start a business. Chances are, unless you have been saving every dime you made, you will need to get financing from a lender. The business plan shows the bank why you need financing. Even
if you have a strong credit, many banks see great financial risks when a business owner is in the start-up stage. A well-written business plan, gives the lender an idea about what costs you need to put into the business and the potential profits from the target customers. The lending company will be willing to invest in your business if your business plan demonstrates the potential success of your company.

A business plan, even if it is well thought and written out, does not guarantee success of your business. However, it will provide you with direction. It tells you where you are at and where you are going. It gives you a heads up if your business is not meeting you goals and objectives. This allows you to steer yourself back onto the path if you are drifting off course. In other words, you will know what is working for you and what needs to be scrapped.

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